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Mus. 789


Mus. 789
Purcell, Daniel, 1660?-1717 Grove DNB
Six sonata's or solos, three for a violin, and three for the flute, with a through bass for the harpsicord, compos'd by Mr. D. Purcell.
London: Printed for & sould by J[ohn]: Walsh ... & J[ohn]: Hare, [1698]
Wing (2nd ed.), P4212CA; ESTC, R182262; RISM A/I P5806

Provenance: probably from the Goodson bequest, listed as such in Malchair 1787 (f. 7): 'Six sonatas. 3 for Violin. 3 for the flute - D. Purcell'. The absence of an 18th-century shelfmark and an early bookplate strengthens the Goodson association.

Upright format, 367 x 235 mm. Contemporary wrappers of thick blue paper, now within an early C20th binding of rough brown leather over boards. No early bookplate. C19th shelfmark: K.4.4.

Microfilm: The printed music of Christ Church, Oxford, reel 41.
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